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I’m back!
I realise nobody is following along with this blog anymore — unless you subscribed to it in an RSS reader, in which case, hello!

It’s been a strange year (and it isn’t over). Words like ‘unprecedented’ got thrown around a lot at the start, but in all truth it wasn’t really unprecedented. People have been predicting a pandemic for a long time, and as for climate change, well. Having recently finished the Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler, I can say that we were pretty much spot on with predicting drought, floods and wildfires as of 1993, not to mention the rise of populist politicians.
As for myself, I went through/am going through the pandemic like everyone else. I also finished my MA, writing a 15,000 dissertation about Butler’s Xenogenesis saga. It was intense. A dissertation is a uniquely lonely experience. It’s just you, chipping away at an obscure question, pouring heart, soul and brain into something that maaaaaaybe 10 people might read. I also worked an intensely stressful new job, and made some choices about turning my back on a life-changing high salary in order to protect my mental health.
But I learned a lot about Doing Hard Things.
Anyway, now that it is over — and I’ve recovered from it — I thought I would turn my attention back to my long neglected blog. I gave it a bit of a tidy up, and I will probably give it a new look at some point.
This blog started life as a ‘how to adult’ blog, and that’s important. But I think it’s really an exploration of a question: How do you live a good life?
And there’s a lot that goes into a question like that. How do you stay cheerful when the world seems doooooooomed? How do you balance living for the future with living for the now? How do you set goals and work towards them whilst also remaining flexible in changing circumstances? What does a ‘good life’ even mean?
Here are some of the things I’m hoping to write about:
- How to save up to a buy a house when house prices are ridiculous and increase by thousands of pounds every year
- How to get fit when you are 37 and suddenly have to worry about your knees
- Staying optimistic about the future when climate change threatens to wipe out the world
- How to eat the rich
- What happiness really is
If there’s anything in particular you have been stressing about, and you somehow stumbled on this post against all probability, please do leave a comment suggesting topics for me to write about 🙂