Take your life to the next level with my free monthly challenge


What if, every month, you got a challenge to focus on improving one area of your life?

That’s what you’ll get if you join my free monthly email challenge.

Take your life to the next level

Why join the challenge?

In 2007 I worked in a call-centre and played video games in every spare moment. I amassed credit card debt, ate junk food, and spent hours online every day. Every night I struggled with insomnia, and every morning I dragged myself out of bed at the last possible moment.

Ten years later I work as a senior manager in an internationally respected education charity, and with a £10,000 emergency fund I can afford to take risks. I live in a detached house in one of the most expensive cities in the UK. Every night I go to bed feeling grateful for the day behind me, and I wake up at 5.45am every morning to fit in my daily yoga practice.

The power of small actions

My growth has been the result of many small, accumulative actions. And each small, individual action has had a positive knock-on effect across many different areas of my life.

I want to share the actions that have made a difference in my life with you.

Take your life to the next level

What if, every month, you got a challenge to do one thing? Just one thing that would have a lasting positive impact on your life.

That’s what you’ll get if you join my free monthly email challenge.

Every month I will send you a challenge that should take you no more than two hours to complete. Do them consistently, and over time you will experience huge growth in every area of your life.

Join the challenge and you will get:

  • The energy and knowledge to handle everything life throws at you
  • Control over your money and your future
  • Confidence in your own skills and abilities

Commit to taking one small action each week – and take your life to the next level.

Join the monthly challenge

I will never sell or pass on your details. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Monthly Challenge

Take your life to the next level with my free monthly challenge

Commit to taking focused action every month – and take your life to the next level.

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Monthly Challenge

Take your life to the next level with my free monthly challenge

Commit to taking focused action every month – and take your life to the next level.
