
How to give up alcohol (without feeling deprived)


So you’ve decided to give up alcohol. Maybe you’re partaking in dry January, Go Sober for October, or maybe you’re just trying to cut back after a few too many hangovers. Maybe you’re just giving up for a month, or maybe it’s more long-term. Alcohol is a great social lubricant, but it sucks for our health. Whilst the odd glass of wine or bottle of beer is a harmless...

Routines matter (why dropping my phone led to my life unravelling)


In January I dropped my smartphone. It cracked the screen and rendered it unusable. Super irritating, but I don’t need my phone right? I don’t have a phone contract, and had bought my smartphone outright a couple of years ago. I did a quick bit of research and discovered decent smartphones had become pretty expensive. Unable to justify the expense for a new phone, I borrowed an old...

How to deal with stress at work


Unless you are lucky, chances are high that at some point you’ll have a bad day at work. A project goes wrong. Traffic sucks and you’re late to a meeting. You send an email to someone you wanted to impress with a typo in the subject line. Your customers are particularly unpleasant and entitled. Or maybe you have to deal with the client from hell. I, myself, have been experience a...

Monthly Challenge

Take your life to the next level with my free monthly challenge

Commit to taking focused action every month – and take your life to the next level.

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Monthly Challenge

Take your life to the next level with my free monthly challenge

Commit to taking focused action every month – and take your life to the next level.
